Dr. Malaak Hamadeh

Background and Credentials
Dr. Malaak Hamadeh has been around dentistry for most of her life. Early on, she realized that being a dentist was the path for her, so she immersed herself in the intricacies of oral health. Dr. Hamadeh spent most of her time around the best dentists, learning from each one how to provide the best quality of care possible. The Michigan native stamped her aspirations with a bachelors in Biology from Wayne State University, and a DDS from the University of Michigan where she received her training. Dr. Hamadeh believes in lifelong learning and always strives to improve her skills and knowledge. She spends her time outside of dentistry with her family and friends doing all sorts of fun activities. When she’s not taking care of patients, she’s caring for Boots, the cat she shares with her fiancé. We welcome and encourage everyone to stop by and get to know our dental family!